Monday, 10 March 2014

MOO COW @ The Gardens Midvalley

I decided to do a separate post because the Thai review was very long.

So after walking out of Absolute Thai with our lips burning and slight tummy ache, we were both craving for something cooling. I was picturing a cold glass of milk when I eyes saw a cow from the corner of my eyes. Yes a cow in the mall LOL

Well Moo Cow actually serve frozen yogurt but hey milk …… yogurt ……..same difference right ? So I practically dragged my sis to the counter. We were both full from our lunch but really my body was shouting for something to cool down the spicy food. So we decided to share a cone.

A plain yogurt in a cone is RM6.90, but if you want to try their additional flavors which is Kiwi or Blueberry then its RM7.90. So, I decided to go for Blueberry yogurt.

Visual Observation: 8+/10
While waiting for the dude to make my cone, I had this notion that it was going to be a small cone that could vanish in about two bites. But when he hand me the cone, I was like ‘OMG-its huge’. I mean there is a good helping of good yogurt. The sharp pointy tip is missing from my picture because I couldn't resist a bite as soon as I had it in my hand. Sorry >.<

Taste evaluation: 8+/10
It tasted soooo good. I might be exaggerating a little bit, but that is probably because my numb mouth was begging for something to cool it down.  For me I did not think the yogurt was too sweet, I think it tasted just right. Some might feel like the taste is overwhelming, but I love yogurt and lassi drinks, so I love anything yogurt.

The yogurt’s texture is just like a well frozen ice cream. The cone was crispy and it tasted good. I loved it.
Reminder, please do not over do your toppings selections. It may ruin the taste of the yogurt.
Overall Conclusion: I will definitely try other flavors and this is going to be one of my favorite healthy snacking. Must try for all yogurt lovers.

Additional: No service charge and No government tax. 

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